
An antichrist is a person who is against Jesus as the Christ. The Christ is one who is anointed to be the Prophet, the Priest and the King. To be against the Prophet is to be opposed to the authority of Jesus as the Word of God, which is compiled into the Bible. To be against the Jesus as the Priest is to deny that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation and by His sacrifice, He provides atonement for His people’s sins. To be against Jesus Christ as the King is to not obey Him as the sovereign ruler.

What is an Antichrist?

Although antichrists have always existed since the time of Christ, the Antichrist will be revealed before the Last Day during the time called the ‘Great Tribulation’ (1 John 2:18). This revealing of the Antichrist occurs just after the Apostasy of the church, but before the Last Day (2 Th 2:1-4).

By reviewing the character and actions of the antichrist, the Bible reveals to us that the Antichrist is known by other names in the Bible including:

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