Babylonian Captivity – A Type of the Great Tribulation

The purpose of the below video series and the linked Bible studies below is to carefully consider the Babylonian Captivity of the Old Testament.

Video Series

Babylon Captivity Studies

Important Background Links on the Millennium, Great Tribulation and Babylon

Many that are interested in prophecy (pre-millennialists) believe that the Babylonian Captivity is just an historical event.  They believe that it applies to Old Testament Israel only and that it does not directly impact the church today.  However, when this topic is examined from a Biblical viewpoint that recognizes that the millennium (1000 years) of Rev 20 is a symbol for the church age, then the Babylonian Captivity can also be seen as a type of the end-time Great Tribulation.  Just as the Babylonian Captivity affected Israel / Judah of the Old Testament, so too will a Babylonian Captivity affect the church during the Great Tribulation (see Luke 21:24, Rev 17-18).  Realizing this unlocks tremendous spiritual truth of the Old Testament prophets that is directly applicable to the church of the Great Tribulation.

The Babylonian Captivity is a type of the time period known as the Great Tribulation (Mat 24:15).  During the Great Tribulation the false Christian church is known as the Great Whore Babylon (Rev 17-18).    Although Babylon has always existed, during the Great Tribulation, Satan is loosed from his prison (Rev 20:1-8) that he was held in for a symbolic 1000 years (the church age, see Mat 12:22-29 and Rev 20:1-8).  Once released, this begins the short period of time known as the Great Tribulation (Rev 20:3-8, Mat 24:15, etc.).  The Abomination of Desolation exists within the false Christian church (Babylon).  The Abomination of Desolation is Satan and his kingdom (which includes the Antichrist, the False Prophet and Babylon).  Satan and his kingdom manifests itself in the church as the worship of other gods and idols.  The church condones this behavior during the Great Tribulation (lawlessness).  At this time, the false church Babylon encompasses the true church of genuine Christians, who are just a small remnant of the entire false Christian church (Mat 7:21-23).  This physical church is held in captivity with Satan and his ministers in charge of the church.

Video Series

Babylonian CaptivityBabylonian Captivity Olivet DiscourseCauses of the CaptivityCaptivity Scattering of JudahFour Sore Judgments Famine Evil Beasts Sword PestilenceJerusalem SiegeDestruction of JerusalemReturn from Captivity and Regathering

Babylon Captivity Studies

Part 1 – Introduction and Overview of Babylon Captivity

Part 2 – Babylon Captivity in the Olivet Discourse

Part 3 – The Cause of the Babylonian Captivity

Part 4 – Captivity – Two Symbolic Meanings

Part 5 – Scattering – Symbolic Meaning

Part 6 – Ezekiel 14 – Desolation by famine, evil beasts, sword and pestilence 

Part 7 – Siege of Jerusalem

Part 8 – Destruction of Jerusalem

Part 9 – The Desolate Land Enjoys its Sabbaths

Part 10 – Return from Captivity and Regathering into Eternity

Important Background Links on the Millennium, Great Tribulation and Babylon

Premillenialism – False Gospel / False Prophecy

The Millennium is the Church Age

The Great Tribulation

Babylon – The False Christian Church