Salvation – Election

As the Priest, Jesus Christ is the Intercessor for His people with God the Father. It is by His sacrificial blood that we receive salvation and become reconciled with God. Jesus is the only Mediator and the only way to salvation. God does all the work of salvation by the Election of His people. The faith of Jesus is given to His people as a gift.  

However, most people who are interested in Jesus Christ do not understand that salvation comes only by God’s election of His people.  The vast majority believe that they have to do something for salvation.  Most think that to be saved they simply need to decide to accept Him to be saved, or perhaps be a good person, go to church, keep the sacraments or other similar incorrect beliefs concerning the source of salvation.  The church teaches that it is by a free will decision for Christ that one can be saved.  However, free will belief in God is a work of man and does not result in salvation. 

The following is what the Bible teaches concerning salvation:

In their free will, all men are rebellious toward God and His Word.  They are unable to exercise saving faith without the irresistible call of God. God, in His sovereign will, causes certain individuals to exercise saving faith and thereby be saved. God affects the will of man in order that he will believe.  This is referred to as Election. When a person becomes saved by responding to the call of God, he or she will persevere in the faith and produce fruit that is the evidence of God indwelling them.

Here are additional studies (see further below for video links) to consider to ensure that you understand this most important topic:

free willsaving faith

freedom liberty