To Be Married…


To Be Married means to love you wife as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her[1]

  • It means to leave your father and mother and cleave to your wife[2]
  • It means to continue to honor, respect and obey your parents in the Lord, while being one with your wife[3]
  • It means to be the spiritual leader of your family[4] by developing spiritual knowledge[5]
  • It means to please your wife[6] and not to insist on your own way[7]
  • It means to be patient, kind, faithful, hopeful and rejoice in the truth of God’s Word[8]
  • It means to not be envious, proud, arrogant, suspicious or quick-tempered[9]
  • It means to never be bitter towards your wife[10]
  • It means to be bound to your wife until death do ye part[11]
  • It means to honor to your wife’s needs[12]
  • It means to give up power over your own body[13]
  • It means to become one flesh with your wife[14]
  • It means to understand that finding your wife is good and so you obtain favor from God[15]
  • It means to never cease to rejoice in the wife of your youth[16]
  • It means to hate the very thought of divorce[17]
  • It means that the bed must be undefiled since marriage is honorable[18]
  • It means to be free from the temptation of fornication forevermore[19]
  • It means to understand that divorce can never be an option since no man should put asunder what God has joined together[20]

To Be Married means to desire to have children[21] and seek a godly seed[22]

  • It means to be the leader in the training and admonition of your children[23]
  • It means to train up your children in the Way[24]
  • It means to not withhold correction from your children[25]
  • It means to never provoke your children to wrath lest they be discouraged[26]
  • It means to train your children to honor and obey both the mother and father[27]
  • It means to prioritize your wife over your children since you are one with your wife[28]

To Be Married means to show forth the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ by being a symbol of a loving Christ toward His chosen people[29]

[1] Eph 5:25-28

[2] Eph 5:31, Gen 2:24

[3] Eph 6:1-3, Col 3:20, Pr 23:22, 6:20

[4] Eph 5:23

[5] 1 Pet 3:7

[6] 1 Cor 7:33

[7] 1 Cor 13:5

[8] 1 Cor 13:4-8

[9] 1 Cor 13:4-8

[10] Col 3:19

[11] 1 Cor 7:39, Ro 7:1-3

[12] 1 Pet 3:7

[13] 1 Cor 7:4

[14] Gen 2:24, Mat 19:3-6, Mk 10:6-10, 1 Cor 6:16-17

[15] Pr 18:22

[16] Pr 5:15-23, Mal 2:14-15, Ecc 9:9

[17] Mal 2:14-16

[18] Heb 13:4

[19] 1 Cor 7:2

[20] Mat 19:6, Mk 10:9

[21] 1 Tim 5:14

[22] Mal 2:15

[23] Eph 6:4, Pr 13:24, 23:13-14

[24] Pr 22:6

[25] Pr 23:13-14, 13:24, 19:18

[26] Eph 6:4, Col 3:21

[27] Eph 6:1-3, Col 3:20, Pr 23:22, 6:20

[28] Eph 5:31, Gen 2:24

[29] Eph 5:25-28